Youth to appear before High Court on attempted murder charge

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By Orville Williams

[email protected]

In about four months, 21-year-old Darrell Giddens could be scheduled to appear before a High Court judge to answer to allegations that he attacked and wounded a 16-year-old boy.

The victim, Jerkeem Jackson, is currently in a state of medical instability stemming from injuries he received during the apparent attack on April 29 this year.

Reports then were that Jackson’s mother, Karima Joseph, returned to their All Saints Road home that afternoon to find her son lying motionless and bleeding at the side of the road.

Three men were later said to be witnessed in footage from a nearby surveillance camera accosting the 16-year-old, striking him with hard objects and beating him severely.

front 5 attempted murder
Jerkeem Jackson, 16, has been left with permanent health issues after an alleged attack in April

According to his mother, the boy was left with permanent damage from the attack, despite receiving specialist treatment at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre in the form of several lifesaving surgeries for a cracked skull and bleeding on his brain.

One of the alleged attackers, Giddens, was arrested and charged with attempted murder days before Jackson was released from the hospital.

Giddens appeared in the St John’s Magistrate’s Court last week for his committal hearing, but the hearing was adjourned until September 15.

He therefore appeared in court again yesterday, when the matter was committed to the January assizes – meaning he can be summoned to the High Court anytime in or after January.

Meanwhile, Jackson continues to struggle with his rehabilitation, suffering from issues like dizziness, mood swings and speech delays.

His mother told Observer her son is also finding it challenging to draw, having been proficient at the art form before, and has remained out of school since the alleged incident.

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