The Wishing Well’s Foundation first walk-a-thon for Andre Simon got underway yesterday with walkers and runners assembling at the St James’ Club at around 6 AM.
Wishing Well, a charity foundation owned by hotelier Rob Barett, is raising funds for the continuing treatment of the national cyclist, Andre Simon, who was involved in a hit-and-run incident on Mother’s Day of this year.
The walk-a-thon was held on Andre’s birthday.
The horrific May 8 accident landed Simon in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC) for some time, and triggered a nationwide effort to raise funds to send him overseas for specialist care.
The sportsman was airlifted to the TIRR Memorial Hospital in Texas on July 2 and has been there ever since, with his sister and mother alongside him.