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 The country’s main opposition party said it has written to Governor General Sir Rodney Willimas petitioning him to convene a commission of inquiry into the Odebrecht Bribery Scandal.
During a press conference at its headquarters yesterday, Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP) Senator Harold Lovell also revealed that the party has called on Ambassador Casroy James to declare his hand and answer to the public about his involvement in the burgeoning scandal which, he said, is affecting the reputation of the country.
“Let us end this charade of half-truths, of mischief making, of smear tactics and let us have a properly constituted public inquiry which would have all the powers of a high court judge, so we can subpoena witnesses, subpoena documents. Let us look into everybody’s bank accounts including mine,” Lovell said.
“Let us review all the travel records, let us review all the documents and let’s clear, once and for all, the good name of Antigua & Barbuda,” he added.
The UPP political leader said since news broke of the scandal, in December 2016, much misinformation and allegations have been reported in the public and they must be cleared up.
He also said that there are several questions which are yet to be answered.
“Given the summary firing of Luiz Franca for his part in the bribery negotiations, why has the prime minister retained the services of Ambassador Casroy James, who admitted to also being in that meeting and to accepting dubious funds? Why is the prime minister unwilling or unable to find out the identity of the persons who attended that meeting and for whom the bribe was intended?” Lovell  queried.
The opposition party also called on Ambassador James to prove that he returned monies related to the said scandal, as he promised he would.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)

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