UPP Leader Lovell has ‘interesting’ exchange with young ‘comrade’

Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP), Harold Lovell (photo via Twin Island Media)
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By Robert A. Emmanuel

[email protected]

As the Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP) Harold Lovell addressed young people during an election forum at the Antigua State College yesterday, an interesting exchange between him and a young Antigua Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) supporter was recorded.

In a video posted by Twin Island Media, the exchange between the young male student and Lovell was over the UPP’s youth-focused policies.

The student asked Lovell why his political party was focused on this issue during this election cycle when he claimed they did not do this during the administration 10 years ago.

“So, you said ages 18 to 35 will be on Boards [of Directors] this time around, so why they weren’t on boards [previously]?” the young man who later claimed that he was a “comrade”, asked.

Lovell responded, “when the UPP was in office for the 10 years, more persons went overseas on scholarships than at any previous time … we broke down the barrier whereby prior to 2004 to get a scholarship, you had to be the son or daughter of [a well-connected person]”.

The student then asked, “you served for five years as finance minister and your party served for 10 as a ruling government; if you were so good, how come you didn’t manage to take your party to the next level of governance?”

Lovell responded, “elections are such that it is the will of the people, we served for 10 years and then the people decided that they wanted a change; this government has served for nine and a-half [years and] we will see what happens on Wednesday”.

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