Antigua Barbuda Labour Party MP Eustace “Teco” Lake is on life support and sources say his condition remains critical, but stable.
As more details come to hand about his condition, OBSERVER media has learned that Lake has been ill in recent weeks with heart, kidney and other issues.
On Wednesday morning he was hospitalized at a private medical facility.
But, was rushed to Mount St John’s Medical Centre later that evening as his condition worsened.
Sources say he has been in the Intensive Care Unit on a ventilator since then and is heavily sedated. As such, he is unable to communicate at this time.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne told OBSERVER media Wednesday night that doctors say they expected Lake to make a full recovery.
Several of his Cabinet colleagues have expressed hope he recovers quickly.
The prime minister said he has not yet identified anyone who will replace the Public works minister during his medical leave.
Update On MP Eustace "Teco" Lake
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