Trial of alleged protest organisers

front 5 protest trial continues
Defendants Donette Simon (left) and Shenel Williams
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By Latrishka Thomas

[email protected]

One more witness began giving evidence yesterday in the case against two women charged with organising the infamous ‘Freedom Fighters’ protest in August last year.

The trial against Donette Simon of Tindale Road and Shenel Williams of Villa began in March but the case first came to court over a year ago.

Simon and Williams were among several persons arrested after a demonstration against Covid-related rules on August 8 2021, during which police used tear-gas and fired rubber bullets.

The women are jointly accused of “organising a prohibited public meeting” and participating in said event.

Williams is also facing two charges in relation to incitement and encouraging unlawful behaviour.

It took six months for the police to finally complete the case file, allowing the women to enter their pleas.

They both denied the charges, prompting the immediate start of the trial.

A few witnesses have since taken the stand in the highly controversial case.

Earlier this month, on the one-year anniversary of the incident, members of the United Progressive Party called for the case to be dismissed.

Despite that appeal, yesterday just one witness – a corporal – took the stand before Magistrate Conliffe Clarke in the St John’s Magistrate’s Court.

She shared her involvement in the taking of statements from the defendants, and cross-examination began by the duo’s attorney, Leon Symister.

The defence did not finish cross-examining the witness when the case was adjourned.

With about four more witnesses to go, the continuation of the trial was put off until the tentative date of October 4.

Yesterday’s witness will be recalled on the next occasion so that the lawyer can finish his line of questioning.

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