Polling stations will be open across three polling districts for the St Peter by-election today, with voting scheduled to take place between the hours of 6am and 6pm, barring any situations which may cause an extension of closing time.
The Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission (ABEC) has established 11 polling stations in the constituency – eight at Parham Primary School, two at Pares Primary School, and one at the Precision Centre.
Speaking to Observer AM yesterday, Supervisor of Elections Ian Hughes reported that of the 4,762 registered voters in the constituency, approximately 1,900 had valid voter ID cards. An additional 2,004 persons had initiated the card replacement process.
“About 565 cards remain to be collected,” Hughes said. “Persons can collect their cards today [Monday 13], until 9 pm and tomorrow [Tuesday 14] from 5:30am at the registration unit behind the Precision Centre.”
The St Peter by-election will be the second such election held since the 2023 general elections. Electors will decide if to replace the former MP Asot Michael with the United Progressive Party’s George Wehner who is seeking to overturn the constituency’s decades-long support for the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP), who has named Rawdon Turner as its candidate.
Also speaking on Observer AM yesterday, ABEC’s Public Relations Officer Elisa Graham outlined key regulations for voters.
“Your smart phones, your smart devices will be asked to be removed or to be placed in a basket – a very bright pink basket – at the beginning when you enter the polling station,” she explained.
Voters are also reminded not to wear party colours unless they are part of an official work uniform.
Campaign materials must be removed from within 100 yards of polling stations, and alcohol sales are prohibited in the constituency during voting hours, the ABEC official cautioned, also reminding that the law requires employers to provide workers with four consecutive hours to vote.
“No employer shall make any deduction from the pay or other remuneration of any such voter or impose upon or exact from him penalty for reason of his absence during such period,” Graham quoted from the Representation of the People Amendment Act.
Vote counting will take place at Parham Primary School after the polls close.
Under police escort, the Returning Officer, Steven Samuels, will begin distributing election materials to polling stations from 4am today.
Voters are reminded to bring along valid ID cards and that they can indicate their choice by marking an X or a tick against the name of only one candidate.
Anyone still needing to validate their voter ID can do so at the registration unit until polls close at 6pm.