The nation celebrates students for heroic deed

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When four students of Ottos Comprehensive School (OCS) went to the aid of an elderly woman in Ovals, last week, little did they know that their act of kindness would resonate with the entire country.
The three boys and one girl — Josh Joyce, Niquan Antoine, Jarell Peters and Leslie-Ann Henry — were walking home last Thursday when they met an elderly woman lying on the side of the road.
Without hesitation, the boys not only lifted the senior citizen to safety, but the teenagers also assisted her to get to her home.
The good deed was first highlighted on social media when someone posted images of the students carrying the senior citizen to safety.
Thousands of social media users have commended them for the act of kindness.
The group is also being celebrated by officials within the Ministry of Education and the principal and staff of their secondary institution.
On Tuesday, the quartet was invited to the ministry and was presented with lunch passes to Hawksbill by Rex Resorts.
Director of Education Clare Browne said the philanthropic display by the four young people captured the heart of the nation and is deserving of the highest ovation from the ministry.
“What you did captured the very core of humanity,” Browne said. “You probably felt you were doing what you were supposed to do. This kind of compassion is rare among young people and I believe that, because I don’t really see that.”
The Principal of OCS, Foster Roberts also expressed his delight with the students’ act of kindness.
He remarked that prior to that day the name of the school was publicised in the media due to a fight and the students were downhearted.
“When they were taking up that old lady and helping her across the road, it was generally an act of kindness, not something they really wanted to publicise. Niquan said that he felt compelled to show the world that there is a bright side of the school. I feel very proud of them; they are now celebrities,” Roberts said.
The brave students, too, were elated with the unexpected positive reaction to the deed.
Joyce said he was at first hesitant to help the senior citizen because he thought she was probably on drugs.
“I felt like it was something anyone would have done for her,” he said.
For Henry, the thought of seeing someone sick and in need of help is never a happy moment for her.
“She could have been my mother or grandmother so I really wanted to make her feel better,” the young woman said.
Antoine said that after he saw the woman, he felt that it was his responsibility to take her home to ensure that she was safe.
Peters, on the other hand, said he reacted with fright in the initial stages.
“Every time she tried to get up she felt back down and I did not feel right so I told Josh let us help her,” Peters said.

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