Health officials will be better placed to continue the battle against Covid-19 thanks to the donation of 20 high-quality laptops from the Calvin Ayre Foundation.
The charity – headed by the billionaire businessman and philanthropist – will hand the laptops over to the Ministry of Health this Saturday.
The move follows last month’s announcement that the Foundation had pledged more than $4 million worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) to help local medics.
The PPE shipment, along with the computers valued at $87,000, will be given to health chiefs at a ceremony at VC Bird International Airport on Saturday.
The Ministry of Health’s Permanent Secretary Ena Dalso Henry said the laptops would be a critical boost to field reporting and data collection.
“I wish to convey our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for Mr Ayre’s very generous contribution to the government, to assist with our response during this health emergency,” Henry said.