Talks underway to improve health care services nationwide

Information Minister Melford Nicholas (file photo)
Information Minister Melford Nicholas (file photo)
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Discussions are underway to improve the healthcare services in the nation.

Cabinet Spokesperson Melford Nicholas, while speaking on Thursday during the Post Cabinet Press Briefing, revealed that the government is not satisfied with the level of service being offered. Coupled with the growing number of criticisms being raised by the public over the waiting time at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC), “something must be done.”

“It is sufficient to say that government is not happy with the level of service that we [deliver] at those particular service points

Because of this dissatisfaction, Cabinet met with the Director of the SLBMC and Chairperson of the Board to begin discussions on how to map a way forward.

Coming out of that meeting, there are proposed plans to increase the number of doctors and nurses in the Emergency Room (ER), as well as, at clinics around the island.

Nicholas is of the opinion that a national symposium should also be held on this matter.

He mentioned that government does have the adequate number of medical officials to meet these proposed changes. It is just a matter of working together to fine-tune the service being offered.

“If I say to persons that there are over 140 medical doctors employed directly or as consultants to the SLBMC it may shock a number of persons, but that is exactly true. We have significant infrastructure for health in this country. So, the government has made significant investments.

“We have also, through the Medical Benefits Scheme, provided support to a number of persons. So there has been no shortage in the commitment from the government for healthcare, yet, there is still this final bit in terms of how the service points meet the average person who go to these medical facilities,” Nicholas said.

One of the areas he says that needs to be changed is the attitude and mindset on all sides so that the service can be improved.

“We have to frame our minds from all contributing parties. Both the nurses and the doctors and the other healthcare professionals, the government, the health officials, the board members at SLBMC and the people who manage the clinics have got to recognise that we all have an obligation to serve the public and there’s going to be sacrifices along the way, there is going to be pain, there’s going to be some adjustments to improve the overall service points, and the overall quality of service that people are getting from our public healthcare service,” Nicholas concluded.

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