Workers at the Burma Quarry have abandoned their plans to strike although they still have not received the outstanding overtime monies owed to them.
Shop Steward Michal Peters said they opted not to strike to avoid losing their incentives.
Earlier yesterday, the workers said that they were giving the government until 1:00 p.m. Thursday to pay all the quarrymen in full or they would mount an all-out strike.
However, Peters said their productivity will be lowered to the minimum until their demands are satisfied. He said that instead of grinding 30 loads per day, they will only grind three.
A week ago, the Ministry of Housing and Works issued a statement indicating that the process of paying the workers had started
and they were working closely with the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury department to bring the payments up-to-date.
The latest information from the aggrieved quarrymen is that 13 of them have yet to receive any overtime money.
Efforts to obtain a statement from the Ministry of Works as it pertains to the workers’ demands have been unsuccessful.