Stop Gender-Based Violence (GBV): IHO-GBV Coalition launches 2025 edition of National Anti-GBV Walk

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Cross-section of participants in 2024 National Anti-GBV Walk.
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Once again, residents of Antigua and Barbuda are being called upon to join the movement against sexual violence and gender-based violence by participating in the Men & Women United: Stop Gender-Based Violence 5K Walk 2025.

The event, which will coincide with International Women’s Day,will start at 2pm at the Botanical Gardens in St John’s on March 8, a release said.

“The organiser, the Integrated Health Outreach Gender-Based Violence (IHO-GBV) Coalition, is proud to again partner with the Directorate of Gender of Affairs (DoGA), Equality Fund, and Global Affairs Canada. After the success of its inaugural walk in 2024 where more than 1,000 people participated, IHO-GBV aims to more than double that number this year,” the release added.

“The primary goal of the walk is to encourage all citizens – with an emphasis on strengthening boy’s and men’s participation – to advocate against sexualised and gender-based violence. With last year’s amazing turnout, people demonstrated that there is a real desire to bring about lasting change when it comes to eliminating gender-based violence (GBV).

“Like last year, a walk will be held in Barbuda on a separate date to be announced. As part of its event-related activities this year, the IHO-GBV Coalition will be raising awareness not only about the impacts of GBV but also about a special initiative being spearheaded by IHO which aims to establish a shelter for women in Antigua and Barbuda experiencing GBV.”

Registration for the walk on March 8, 2025 is now open at:, and the registrants will be given a free T-shirt. However, those who participated in 2024 and still have their shirts are encouraged to wear them if possible and can indicate this when registering.

Business and civil society organisations like youth groups, community groups, sports clubs, and others are also encouraged to take part as a group. While each participant must register individually, they can indicate they are participating as part of a group when they complete the registration form. Group leaders can reach out to the IHO-GBV Coalition about opportunities for further collaboration. Business leaders are encouraged to raise awareness among their staff and get as many of their employees as possible registered. They may also reach out to the IHO-GBV Coalition to explore opportunities for collaboration and sponsorship for this important event.

A Call to Action

Here in the small communities of Antigua and Barbuda, we know too well the stories of physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional violence and harassment that have severely impacted the lives of women and girls,” the release noted.

According to UN Women,“The most common form of violence experienced by women globally is physical violence inflicted by an intimate partner. At least one in three women is beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused by an intimate partner in the course of her lifetime.” 

In the Caribbean, societies grapple with a higher rate of sexual violence per capita than the global average, with three countries in the region ranking among the top 10 globally. This underscores the gravity of the situation and emphasises the need for collective efforts.

A Human Rights Violation

Gender-based violence is a gross violation of human rights, a public health crisis, an obstacle to sustainable development, and a scourge that our society too often ignores. This type of violence results from societal norms about men and women’s roles and their value in society, and must be treated as a violation of a person’s fundamental right to safety and autonomy.

Men and Women Marching for Change

Often, addressing GBV is seen as an issue for women and girls. The IHO-GBV Coalition wants to amplify the message that together, men and women must advocate to end GBV and that males have an enormous role to play in achieving the cultural shift needed to bring about lasting societal change. Through the Men and Women United: Stop Gender-Based Violence 5K Walk 2025, men and women will take symbolic and literal steps to show their collective commitment to creating a safer, more equitable society. Together, we can raise awareness, inspire change, and foster a community where everyone feels safe and respected.

For further information, inquiries, or interviews, anyone may contact either Raisa Charles, Project Coordinator, IHO-GBV Coalition at 1 268-781-2045; or Kieron Murdoch, Communications and Admin Specialist, Integrated Health Outreach at 1 268-736-4446.

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