‘Stabber’ ordered to pay compensation

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Gray’s Farm resident Francia Brann received a suspended three-year sentence for stabbing another woman three years ago.
Yesterday, in the High Court, Justice Keith Thom ordered the convict to pay $6,500 compensation to Nicole “Tasha Midget” Munroe-Baptiste.
Brann paid $1,000 forthwith and was instructed to pay the balance in $1,000 installments at the end of every month, starting February 28. The last $500 payment would be due on July 31, 2017.
The judge cautioned the convict that if she fails to pay the monies within the prescribed period, she would be imprisoned for a year.
Justice Thom also cautioned the accused that should she find herself on the wrong side of the law within three years, she would be brought back to court and sentenced to jail for stabbing Munroe-Baptiste.
The stabbing victim accepted the offer of compensation, which was made by Brann’s attorney, Ralph Francis, and said she forgave the woman who stabbed her multiple times about the body during a brawl.
Brann, who was tried last year during the September Assizes and remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison to await sentencing. She was released from prison three weeks ago.
A social inquiry report prepared by the Probation Department was favourable to Brann. Her boss said that she was a hard worker and that the time she spent on remand was taken from her vacation time, so she was allowed to resume work upon her release.
 At the time of the February 18, 2014 incident, the two women had a quarrel which escalated into a fight. Brann reportedly sustained a cut to one hand while Munroe-Baptiste was stabbed in the head, arms, hand, and chest with a broken bottle.
Brann was charged with wounding with intent to murder, while Munroe-Baptiste, also of Gray’s Farm, was accused of wounding Brann, but that matter was later discontinued.

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