Special “Thank You” to nurses FROM the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre

hand lettered thank you nurses with heart stethoscope
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Dear Nurses,

Thank you.

We see you.

We support you.

We need you.

You are truly the backbone of healthcare.

As we celebrate our nurses during National Nurses Week, I encourage you to join me in showing appreciation to all nurses across Antigua & Barbuda.

I especially want to thank our nursing team at Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC). Every day, you work hard to raise the bar for our patients and our organization, wearing many hats and roles.  You support our healthcare providers, our patients, administration, staff and everyone in between.

I know I speak on behalf of everyone across our organization when I express how grateful we are for every one of you. We couldn’t do any of this without you and are honored that you have made Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre your home.

To me, there is no better profession than nursing. The heart and soul of which has never changed. Nursing is—and always will be—the most humbling, meaningful and rewarding of any profession.

So, on behalf of a grateful organization…

Thank you—each and every one of you—for your humanity, humility and compassion.

Happy Nurses Week!

Jacqueline JnoBaptiste 

Director of Nursing 

Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre 

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