A small craft warning is in place for mariners and sea bathers against rough seas and hazardous conditions.
This is due to a low-pressure system located north of the area.
Meteorologist Lenard Josiah said sea conditions are about eight to 10 feet and may return to five feet some time next week.
If this occurs, the warning will then be lifted.
According to Climatologist Dale Destin, there is a high risk of rip currents, especially over the next 24 hours when the surfs are expected to peak.
Rip currents are powerful channels of water flowing quickly away from shore, which occur most often at low spots or breaks in the sandbar and in the vicinity of structures such as groins, jetties and piers.
Destin said, in his online blog, that the winds will become fresh to strong and will frequently be in excess of 18 mph (16 knots) from today to Wednesday.
“The winds will peak at around 30 mph (22 knots) with occasional gale-force gusts to the around 39 mph (34 knots) today. These winds will primarily take place over open waters, coastal areas on the northern and eastern side of the islands and elevated areas.”
The climatologist said sea-bathers should avoid the waters, mainly on the northern and eastern sides of the island until Tuesday.
He also said small craft operators should not venture far from port through Monday.
Small craft advised against rough seas
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