SIDS civil society launch 10-year Action Plan and Roadmap at the SIDS4 conference

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Representatives from regional Civil Society Organizations who attended the CSO Summit.
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Civil society representatives from across the world have joined forces in developing a joint SIDS Civil Society Action Plan and Roadmap (2024-2034) which outlines key sustainable development priorities that civil society will address in the new 10-year sustainable development agenda for SIDS, called the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS). This Action Plan and Roadmap was launched at the Civil Society Forum held on May 29 as a special event at the Fourth International Conference on SIDS (SIDS4) held May 27-30 in Antigua and Barbuda.

Civil society from across the three SIDS regions – Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS), Caribbean and Pacific – collaborated to develop the Action Plan and Roadmap, which highlights the diverse roles which civil society plays in delivering sustainable development, including in research, policy development, awareness raising, capacity building, advocating for and amplifying the voices of vulnerable or marginalised people, and developing and delivering innovative practical solutions on the ground.

The Action Plan and Roadmap also recommends actionable priorities to strengthen enabling institutional frameworks, practices and partnerships to better support civil society in SIDS to play meaningful and effective roles in delivering sustainable development.

The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) played a convening and facilitating role in developing the joint Action Plan and Roadmap, working with colleagues from across the Caribbean, as well as leading civil society organisations from the AIS and Pacific regions.

CANARI’s Executive Director, Nicole Leotaud, emphasised that, “new and deeper partnerships between governments and development partners with civil society can be a game changer for sustainable development in SIDS. This will leverage the expertise that civil society brings to the table, transforming our approach to addressing climate change, achieving inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic development, and delivering a human-rights approach to development.”

The SIDS Civil Society Action Plan and Roadmap provides a framework and concrete recommendations for action by civil society in SIDS, as well as action by SIDS governments and development partners to better enable and support civil society and deliver a participatory, multisectoral and whole of society approach to sustainable development in SIDS.

For more information on CANARI’s events at SIDS4, see:

About CANARI: The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is a regional technical non-profit institute which has been working across the Caribbean islands for more than 30 years. Our mission is to promote and facilitate stakeholder participation in the stewardship of natural resources in the Caribbean. Our work focuses on Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Equity and Justice, Participatory Governance and Resilience. For more information, see:

About EAG: The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) is Antigua and Barbuda’s oldest environmental non-governmental organisation working for the benefit of people and wildlife. Our aim is a society informed and empowered to sustainable use and manage its natural resources. Our work focuses on species and habitat conservation, environmental education and awareness raising, and community engagement.

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For further information, please contact:

Nicole Leotaud, Executive Director, CANARI, at [email protected] 

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