Sassy’s surgery successful, appeal made for more donations

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By Carlena Knight

While sharing the news that calypsonian and media personality Ava “Sassy” Charles Mackenzie has undergone a successful surgical procedure in Trinidad on Tuesday, the family is once again appealing for assistance from the public.

During an interview on OBSERVER AM yesterday, her daughter, Diana Tuitt, told the nation that her mother is currently recovering at a medical facility in Trinidad. However, the family has been notified that the cost for the procedure and subsequent care has increased tremendously.

“We’ve been informed [Tuesday] that her surgery was upscaled and was considered a major surgery; so the previous expenses they informed us about with the quotation for US $20,000, this is what we brought to the public and shared that we needed assistance with. But as of yesterday it was elevated and we didn’t think it would be by so much but it was raised by an additional US $30,000; so now it’s up to US $50,000.”

Tuitt then made a direct appeal to the public to help in offsetting that tremendous cost.

“We are making an appeal for any small amount you can assist our family with to bring down this cost. We greatly appreciate your input because everything goes a long way. My mother is a person who is very helpful and very open. She’s always one or the other, in one committee or the other, so this is the time where I am appealing to anyone that has sympathy for my mother to lend a gentle hand because they have explained these are the expenses for the procedure and if her body starts reacting violently during the treatment process coming out of it,” she said.

“If anyone wants to make a donation, you can go to CIBC First Caribbean; there is an account specifically set up for donations. The account number is 107-008-038 or go on the GoFundMe page; just search for SaveMyMomAvaCharlesMackenzie all one word. You can also contact me at 788-2672.”

Meantime, she provided additional details about the surgery and concluded by thanking everyone who contributed.

“The latest report we got from the senior physician working on her operation is that she was prepped and approved [Tuesday] for surgery. She was strong enough to go through the surgery and they informed my family of the risks involved performing the surgery. It was a lot of risks involved and she herself signed and it was completed successfully.

“She is now back in the ICU. She is still sedated and they informed us that her body will react violently over the next 36 hours, but she can recover once she gets through that period.

“We got a lot of assistance from the Minister

[of Health]

Molwyn Joseph … he quickly got the air ambulance, we got the approval overnight and got her flown out the next morning [Sunday] so I say thank you. 

“To everybody that pulled strings in the back end thank you very much. To everyone that sent a healing word or thought to my other and our family, thank you. To everyone that donated financially, we understand that it is a festive but trying time and we appreciate every dollar that counts because you don’t realize how expensive it can get when you neglect your temple,” Tuitt said.

She added that she will be travelling to Trinidad on Friday to relieve her sister who is currently with their mother. Sassy was an employee of OBSERVER media for several years.

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