Road to achieving equality for women will require more education

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A panel of influential women in society agreed that the road to achieving equality in the labour force will require a change in the mindset of the people and more education, especially among younger women.
Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030 was the theme that reverberated and dominated most conversations yesterday as the world paused for the observation of International Women’s Day.
Jamaican filmmaker Maxine Walters who was a guest on OBSERVER AM, said 50-50 rights in the labour force will not be achieved if society continues to believe that men are better equipped for certain jobs than their female counterparts.
She also said that something has to be done to help find funds to provide the training in some areas to move forward and gain equality in the workplace.
“We as women have to take charge and try and help to create the funds that will help to bring other young women up to equal levels,” Walters said.
Entrepreneur Yaneek Paige, who is also Jamaican, said equality could only be achieved by starting with how young children are taught.
“If you socialise girls and boys differently, you will see those outcomes in terms of the career choices they make. And actually, there are studies which have shown that by the age of 10, in several countries, girls believe that they are not as strong as boys and this translates into the decisions they make later on in terms of the careers they choose,” Paige said.
President of the Senate Alincia Williams-Grant, who was also part of the discussion, advocated for a change in the curriculum in schools to highlight the achievements of local women who have achieved success in extraordinary fields.

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