Republic Bank not expected to give notice period unless ECCB approves sale, union says

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Representatives of the Antigua and Barbuda Worker’s Union (ABWU) have assured workers that they will be allowed to decide whether to be employed by Republic Financial Holdings Limited.

In a press conference yesterday, ABWU general secretary David Massiah assured employees that the acquisition of the Scotiabank’s assets and operations in Antigua and Barbuda by Republic Bank of Trinidad and Tobago must be approved before any letter of notice is sent to employees.

While the exact timeline for the sale to be approved by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is uncertain, the ABWU assured workers that they will be only notified of the transition of employment after the sale.

“While nothing is set in law, there will be a timeframe which [Republic Bank] will indicate that, as of now, you are . . . transitioning from Scotia into Republic. But nothing will be done until they receive the green light,” he said.

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