By Tahna Weston
The Parliamentary Representative for St John’s Rural West, Hon Richard Lewis, is still advocating for the Community Centre to be handed over to the community as soon as possible.
Lewis had relentlessly been pushing for the St John’s Magistrates’ Court to be relocated and the centre handed over to the residents of the Gray’s Green community. But since the court has moved back to its High and Temple Streets home, residents are still unable to utilise the complex.
An 11-member committee has been formed to work along with the manager of the facility so it can be handed over to the residents in the shortest possible time.
There were some repairs that needed to be done on the complex, since there were complaints of mold as a result of the roof leaking. Lewis said the repairs seem to have been stalled.
“No, no repairs have been effected. We haven’t had that walk-through. As I said, I met with the manager of the facility. The chair of the committee that we have formed in the community met with the manager…to try and see how soon we can have that walk-through.
“But again, as a community, we are willing and ready to work with whatever management team they have there in ensuring that this community centre is open soonest for the benefit of the residents of the Rural West Community,” Lewis said.
Lewis said the committee, of which the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) caretaker Michael Joseph is a member, will continue to work until the residents are able to have full use of the complex.
“What I was told is that they (the work) have to do with the assessment and I understand Public Works is supposed to come in. And whenever they mention Public Works to me, it gives me a headache because it seems as if Public Works is on a constant go-slow.
“But we as a committee are fighting for the restoration of this facility and for its handing over to the community for community use. We’re going to stay on top of things. We’re going to ensure that it happens,” Lewis pledged.
Reports are that the manager of the centre, Dian Browne-Andrews is currently off island and is expected to return early in January.
The community centre was constructed by the Government of the Peoples’ Republic of China on the request of former Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer.