Repairs to ARG wall under way

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Minister of Public Works Eustace “Teco” Lake said that the reconstruction of the decrepit walls at the Antigua Recreation Grounds (ARG), which commenced on Tuesday, will be completed within a month’s time.
Lake explained that the Minister of Culture and National Festivals, EP Chet Greene expressed concern about the repairs being completed in time to host events for the 60th Anniversary of Carnival, which is due to start in July.
“We were having some issues over there, so we have to take it down and get it rebuilt in order to strengthen it and get it available for our busiest season coming up,” Lake said.
In mid-April, the Ministry of Works & Housing issued a warning for residents to stay away from certain sections of the ARG due to the structural failure of the concrete fence.
Pedestrians and motorists were told that the Coronation Road portion and the one opposite the War Memorial were compromised and could collapse at any time.
Minister Lake said that the Coronation Road section was taken down on Tuesday and workers have started laying the foundation for a sturdier wall.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)

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