Public servants recognised for over 30 years of service

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Sixty-five retirees were honoured for over 30 years of public service and dedication to Antigua and Barbuda.
In a ceremony organised by the Public Service Commission and the government of Antigua and Barbuda, retirees were praised for their unwavering commitment to the development of the country.
Sir Clare Roberts QC, Deputy Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda gave the keynote address to the proud retirees and their families in attendance.
He said that people should treat the elderly as human beings, and that they should continue to have full human rights.
“In the same way the elderly in their second childhood are human beings, we still have to treat them like human beings,” he said.
“[Of course] we have to get away from treating the elderly like children. So, if they say they want to go to bed before nine, that is their right.” he said.
He appealed to the audience to respect and have pride in the elderly.
“So, [society] does not seem to have the pride and respect anymore, where one would want to hide that a parent died in the Fiennes Institute. So, I am appealing to the retirees and everybody else to get back to the pride, respect and the honour for the elderly,” he said.
Minister of Social Transformation and Human Resource Development, Samantha Marshall, said that government cannot function without the non-partisan work of public servants and the development of the country is dependent on a well-functioning government.
“Without your contribution, no government can function well, and a well-functioning government is vital to improving the quality of life of every single Antiguan and Barbudan,” she said.
One of the retirees, Claudine Eunetta Bird, reminded the retiring audience that although they have retired from their jobs, they are not retiring from life.
“I would like to remind all of us that there are so many things in this big beautiful world that we can get involved in; not everything is about money,” she said.
Among the awardees were Lionel Michael, former chief health inspector in the Ministry of Health, Hyram Forde, former principal of the Antigua State College (ASC), Ronald Ian Michael, former Chief of the Air Traffic Services Division, and Philmore Mullin, former Director of the National Office of Disaster Services.

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