The United Progressive Party (UPP) welcomes the long over-due action of the Police Service Commission to suspend Commissioner of Police Wendell Robinson and to order an investigation into the sexual misconduct allegations against him.
While the Party applauds the appointment of Deputy Commissioner Atlee Rodney to act in the position of Commissioner of Police, the Party frowns at the decision to make him head the Investigation. The potential for conflict of interest is high since any adverse findings against Robinson could be to the benefit of Rodney.
The Party expresses disappointment that the Police Service Commission failed to recognize the untenable position of Rodney investigating Robinson. The UPP suggests that the Commission seriously considers this matter and its importance to the morale of the police force, to public confidence and the security of the state.
The UPP calls for the appointment of an independent investigator to probe the sexual misconduct allegations against Wendell Robinson. The Party also calls on the Police Service Commission to treat this matter with the greatest of urgency and to take all necessary steps to ensure a fair, transparent, in-depth and speedy resolution of this matter.