Press Release: New head of CIP Unit

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Government announces first Antigua and Barbuda National to head CIP Unit
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua and Barbuda, 21 March 2017 – The Government of Antigua and Barbuda is pleased to announce the appointment of the first national of Antigua and Barbuda, Charmaine Quinland-Donovan, to head the country’s important Citizenship by Investment Unit.
Ms Quinland-Donovan’s appointment takes effect from 27th March.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne, said: “I am delighted to announce the appointment of a qualified and capable national of Antigua and Barbuda to lead the Citizenship by Investment Unit. I am doubly pleased that the appointee is a woman. This emphasizes my government’s commitment to advancing women in decision-making roles in our society”.
The Prime Minister drew attention to Ms Quinland-Donovan’s previous service in the CIP Unit in three important capacities as Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Operating Officer and acting Chief Executive Officer. “In this regard”, the Prime Minister explained, “Ms Quinland-Donovan brings substantial knowledge and experience to the vital work of the Unit, together with keen understanding of international best practices to maintain and improve the standing of our nation’s Citizenship by Investment Programme”.
Ms Quinland-Donovan holds a BSC with first class honours from the University of the West Indies. She is also a Chartered Director and a fully qualified anti-money laundering specialist. Ms Quinland- Donovan was employed at the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank for almost nine years, during which she served as Bank Examiner, supervised/regulated licensed financial institutions in the ECCU, led examination teams and worked with the Eastern Caribbean Securities Regulatory Unit. She has also worked at the Bank of Nova Scotia, where she was Head of Compliance for the Eastern Caribbean Region responsible for nine countries including St Maarten. “Therefore, Mrs. Quinland Donovan comes with a wealth of banking experience that will inure to the benefit of the Citizenship by Investment Unit,” Prime Minister said.
“Given Ms Quinalnd-Donovan’s training and experience, our international partners can be assured of the integrity of our CIP and its safeguards against money-laundering, counter terrorism financing and the security of other nations”, Prime Minister Browne affirmed.

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