Police probe Point killing

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A suspected murder in North Street, Point, is occupying the attention of the Homicide Unit, and investigators are appealing to the public for help to solve the case.
Carlton “Pum Pum” Charles’ decomposing body was found Sunday afternoon with his hands bound behind his back and his feet tied together.
Inspector Frankie Thomas, a police spokesman, told OBSERVER media, “Obviously it is being treated as a murder. The fact that his hands are bound and feet, too, so we know it’s a homicide, but his body is at an advanced stage of decomposition so we cannot say what his injuries are as yet.”
That was his response to the questions of whether the police knew how Charles died and if anyone was in custody.
An autopsy will be done shortly to determine how Charles was killed.
Thomas added that the police are ironing “out kinks,” and doing more investigations to determine the dead man’s age and what led to him being killed and left tied up in the abandoned house in North Street where he was found around 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon.
The police said one of Charles’ friends made the discovery when he went searching for him, after having not seen him for a few days.
A few well-known residents from Point said Charles was a vagrant who used crack-cocaine and marijuana but he was not troublesome and neither was he someone who stole from others.
The resident said that’s why everyone is at a loss for a reason why someone would target him in such a seemingly calculated manner.
The police issued a press statement yesterday asking residents to call the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at 462-3913 or 462-3914 to report anything they know about this crime.
There have been three homicides, so far, this year.

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