The Police Administration within the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda has confirmed that two police constables attached to the police force were arrested in the United States for alleged larceny,” a release to the media from STRATCOM said yesterday.
It said the office of the Commissioner of Police received confirmation of the incident on Tuesday 23rd April, 2019 from Norwalk Police in the United States.
Robert and Monya Dyer were both taken into police custody sometime between April 13 and 14, 2019 for the alleged incident. They were said to be on vacation in the US at the time.
The STRATCOM release adds that police in Antigua and Barbuda are in contact with police authorities in the United States, as they continue further investigations into this matter.
According to other sources, the officers – husband and wife – were charged with three counts of larceny and one count of conspiracy to commit larceny after they allegedly attempted to shoplift several items at a Costco outlet in Connecticut early last week.
However, a court date for when the couple will have to answer to the charges has not yet been set, but they been bailed for US $1,000 each.