PM warns Covid-19 deaths will increase

Prime Minister Gaston Browne
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With the country recording over 60 deaths since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a warning that this number could increase drastically based on the current situation at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne revealed the stark reality over the weekend after pointing out that twelve people are currently on ventilators at the hospital and the prognosis does not look good.

“When I spoke to the Medical Director a few days ago, there were ten people on ventilators, now there are twelve. Not only have we had several more deaths, more individuals are now on ventilators. Generally speaking, when a person is on a ventilator, there is an eighty percent possibility that the person will die,” Browne said.

Browne also disclosed that a 56-year-old individual who contracted the virus also passed away on Friday night, the hospital is yet to announce the death.

According to the Prime Minister, a young, pregnant woman is among those fighting for life due to the virus.

 “We have a situation developing in which a woman who has a 26-months-old pregnancy (sic) is fighting for her life, and if they are unable to rescue the child, we could perhaps have our first mother and child fatality. We wish her all the best, and [hope] that her situation improves. These are the things we are trying to avoid by getting people vaccinated,” Browne said.

The recent report received by the Ministry of Health from the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre revealed twenty-one new laboratory confirmed Covid-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 6 pm.

One hundred and two samples were processed at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre. More people continue to recover with twenty-eight no longer testing positive, increasing the total to (1,882).

Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed Covid-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is (2,923); which is inclusive of  977 active cases.

There are fifty-six hospitalised cases; of that number fifteen are severe, thirty-eight mild, and three moderate.

Meanwhile, Antigua and Barbuda has fully vaccinated forty thousand, six hundred and seventy-two (40,672) individuals, while seven thousand nine hundred and eight (7,908) have only received their first dose.

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