Pigsty upsets Villa residents

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A number of Villa residents are upset with a plan to move pig pens into the neighbourhood.
The upset residents live on Bay Street, where Prime Minister Gaston Browne has allegedly built pig pens for at least three pig farmers.
Many were not happy and a few told OBSERVER media how they felt.

The Pigs were penned next to the Dredge Bay housing project but are being moved now that the houses are finished and the keys are being given away to new homeowners today.
The new pens at Bay Street were erected in less than a week between Thursday and Sunday.
It is not known whether the hastily built pens were approved by the Development Control Authority of the Central Board of Health.
Chief Town and Country Planner, Frederick Southwell could not be reached by phone. Chief Health Inspector Lionel Michael could not be reached either.
(More in Today’s Daily OBSERVER)

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