Government Chief of Staff, Lionel “Max” Hurst, has reported that the Cabinet will provide payouts totaling $1.5 million to eight of its entities. The Central Board of Health, the National Solid Waste Management Authority, Public Works, Customs and Excise Division will receive payments owed them before the Christmas, according to Hurst.
Fiennes workers who staged industrial action last week, the Board of Guardians, Clarevue Psychiatric Hospital workers and foster parents will also be receiving payouts. According to Hurst, those groups will have to split $1 million of the funds taken from the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIP) for their overtime pay and allowances.
Festivals Minister E.P Chet Greene reportedly urged Cabinet members to pay out the remaining $500, 000 owed to the Festivals Commission for its work at Carnival and Independence. Hurst wrote, “Cabinet agreed that these resources will be drawn down from CIP, and that these monies ought to be distributed before Christmas 2017.” He added that further payments will be made to the Festivals Commission during the New Year.
Payouts to government workers and Festivals Commission
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