If you are one of those people who think possession of cannabis has been legalised altogether, you are wrong and this story is for you.
If you’re not, you should still share this news story about Zamir O’Garro’s situation and enlighten those around you – cannabis possession is still a crime once you are caught with more than a certain quantity.
The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Act 2018 only permits a person to have a maximum of 15 grammes of cannabis in their possession.
And, no more than four plants can be cultivated per household.
Anything more than that would land you before the court like O’Garro, a Liberta resident, who now has to find $2,500 to pay the fine for the 60 cannabis plants he had.
O’Garro, who believed it was not a crime, has since been convicted and fined for cultivating the plants, while he was reprimanded and discharged for possession.
But don’t be misguided, even though he was reprimanded and discharged, the conviction is still on his record for possession of the controlled Class B drug.
He has until the end of May to pay the fine, and if he fails to meet that deadline he goes straight to jail for six months.
It is important to know also that there are restrictions on possession even when it is 15 grammes or less.
The law prohibits the smoking of cannabis in a public place and the sale or supply of cannabis in a public place.
If you peruse the legislation, you’d find that a public place means: bars (drinking places), restaurants and clubs; tourist establishments, except for such open areas forming part of a tourist establishment, as may be specifically identified by the management of the establishment as areas where smoking is permitted; government offices; and other places or buildings of all types, accessible to the public.
So, take note of what the law says, and remember also that ignorance of the law is no excuse.