By Cherisse Constant
What do a nurse, a school principal, a musician and a retail manager have in common? Well, in the case of Omega Gospel Group, they all sing – at the professional level.
Omega has been singing God’s praises for over 30 years with its members — Keesha and Tamika Gumbs (both sisters), Almoree Hercules and Golda Samuel – working together since childhood.
“It all started in Almoree’s living room,” Samuel said. “We were between the ages of nine and 13. Our first song was ‘Praise God from whom all blessings flow’. It started out as just a bunch of girls who went to the same church.”
The church was, at the time, located in Bronx, New York. It was the Sharon Seventh Day Adventist Church. Samuel describes it as having a rich musical environment.
The group started out with seven members – all girls. They developed practice routines and, as they got better at blending their voices, they began performing regularly in the church. They then sought the tutelage of vocal coach and music teacher Ian Hobson, who was at the time a member of Last Appeal — now known as American a cappella sensation, Naturally 7. It was the start of a working relationship that would take Omega to the next level in its music.
“With Ian’s help, we started elevating our sound,” said Samuel, the professional nurse in the group. “We began learning more complicated harmonies. We sang at different churches. As we … got a bit older, the group underwent changes. The number reduced to four members.”

Hobson, who remains a close friend of the group today, recalls that as Omega matured in its craft, the group began making a name for itself in the Tristate Area – that is New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. In fact, they went on to grace New York’s iconic stages such as Carnegie Hall, Madison Square Garden, and the Lincoln Center. They’ve also sung with the likes of gospel greats John P Kee and Timothy Wright.
Here’s something else the members of Omega have in common: they are of Antiguan descent. Well, three of them – Hercules and the two Gumbs sisters. Samuel’s parents are Dominican.
Omega are on their way to Antigua this week to perform at a gospel extravaganza. It’s an exciting time for them – particularly for the Gumbs sisters — as this will be their first time visiting their parent’s homeland.
The concert is set for 7pm this Saturday at Spring Gardens Moravian Church. Omega will be the featured guest in a line-up of some of the nation’s gifted gospel singers.
It’s the stage on which new inter-denominational youth choir, Azza Antigua, is to make its debut. The choir features youth from schools and churches across the nation. Also slated to perform are a five-member a cappella group of young men called Evidence from St John’s Seventh Day Adventist Church, Melodious Uplifters, SJPC Praise Dancers, and a number of soloists and musicians.
Hobson, who’s had a hand in the musical development of many of the performers, has pulled them all together for a grand gospel production. As such, he is encouraging everyone to attend this family event. Proceeds will go towards enhancing the newly formed youth choir, Azza Antigua.