Nomination Day set for Barbuda by-election

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Political hopefuls who plan to contest the by-election for a seat on the Barbuda Council have a few days to get themselves in order.
April 19 has been set as the date for Nomination Day for the process which will be executed in Barbuda on April 30.
The Barbuda Local Government Act, Cap 44, makes provisions for Nomination papers to be delivered by the candidate or his proposer or seconder to the Returning Officer at the Office of Council between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Nomination Day.
The Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Comnission said that Vernest Mack has been designated as the Returning Officer who will oversee the entire process.
The by-election is being held to fill the seat left vacant by the Trevor Walker of the Barbuda People’s Movement, who resigned on March 27, following his victory at the March 21 polls.
Walker is now the MP for Barbuda and a person who holds that position is automatically entitled to a seat on the council.

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