No wage increases, no explanation for vector control workers

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While fingers are being pointed and rumours abound, no one has been able say why the “immediate” promised upgrades to the wages of vector control workers attached to the Central Board of Health (CBH) have not materialised since February.
A source at CBH who spoke on condition of anonymity said that the 60 to 70 workers of the Vector Control Department are again contemplating taking industrial action.
The unexplained delay in the increase to workers’ wages is causing them distress, according to the source.
The Chief Health Inspector, Lionel Michael, has confirmed that the upgrades have not been given but in lieu of an explanation, he advised OBSERVER media to question the Minister of Health Molwyn Joseph. Joseph did not answer calls placed to him by this newsroom on Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
A day after the workers went on strike on February 7, the Cabinet of Antigua & Barbuda “ordered [an] immediate adjustment to the wages received by the Vector Control Workers”.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)

Minister of Health Molwyn Joseph (OBSERVER media photo)

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