No leads yet in double shooting

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Officers of the Royal Police Force of Antigua Barbuda (RPFAB) have hit a stumbling block in identifying the perpetrators of a double shooting which took place during the Christmas season.

Superintendent Atlee Rodney, staff officer to the commissioner of police,  told OBSERVER media that police have no leads or suspects in either shooting incidents, which left one man dead and another nursing serious head injuries.

“The police are still pleading with members of the public or anyone who would have information about them to step forward, so we can bring some form of closure to those cases,” he said.

On Thursday, investigators were expected to hold a case management review to discuss the status of the two investigations and how they would approach them moving forward.


Christopher Tester, 37, shot in the head while vacationing in Antigua for Christmas 2016.

Up until Wednesday, police investigating the death of Alba “Bumba” Coates, said they had no concrete leads and so no motive for the shooting. Police still do not know whether the shots were directed at Coates’ house or whether he was shot by stray bullets entering the home.

The other investigation, that of the near fatal shooting of Christopher Tester – the other Christmas time victim –  has also come up empty.

More in today’s Daily Observer.

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