By Tahna Weston
An Antiguan pastor living overseas is lending his voice to the national day of prayer slated for September 12.
The event comes in response to calls by the Antigua Christian Council, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Ecclesiastical Commission and other denominations in light of the recent increase in crime and violent incidents in Antigua and Barbuda.
Minister NB Clayton, of the Assembly of God Church in the USA, said he was saddened to hear about the number of violent criminal incidents that have been occurring over the past several months.
He agreed that reaching out to God is important. However, he noted that a national day of prayer seems to have become ritualistic.
Clayton said a nation in crisis must look to God for solutions, “and we communicate with God through prayer”.
He continued that calling for a day of prayer is therefore good, but only if it comes from a place of sincere repentance, pointing to 2 Chronicles 7:14 to support this position.
“That portion of scripture tells us, ‘If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, if they seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land,’” Clayton said.
He continued that it was clear that Antigua needs healing but, for that to happen, the nation must engage in genuine repentance and “not pretty little religious prayers”.
“Repentance is the total turning away from evil. If you pray but still romance the Devil, you’ll just be wasting your time. God cannot be fooled,” Clayton concluded.
Residents and business owners alike have expressed concern about the recent hike in break-ins and robberies.
The day of prayer was announced in last week’s Cabinet notes which added that the Ecclesiastical Commission would “announce a programme befitting such a day as the nation seeks God’s continual blessings”.