“I’ve heard different points of view but a lot of them found it amusing. I cannot say for all but some of them found it amusing. A lot of them came up to me and said they found the song very creative and that they like it. What they would have wanted was for me to come to them and ask them for some real Syrian words to put in the song,” Esron ‘Ezzy’ Rattigan told OBSERVER media yesterday.
Rattigan, who won this year’s Groovy segment of the party monarch contest on Sunday evening with the song, ‘Syrian soca’, made the comment when asked about the response he has been getting from the Syrian community. He disclosed that some of the Syrians to whom he is close, tried to help him with authentic Syrian words for the song but their suggestions did not mesh with the rhythm and the way he perceived the song, so he made up his own words.
Rattigan added that he has been pleasantly surprised by how popular his song became. The soca star said that he expected a slight buzz but nothing like the overwhelming hype that he has received. He said that the feedback during mas on Monday and Tuesday was particularly impressive, because while performing live with the Myst band, the people showed him love.
The 2018 Groovy soca monarch made special mention of his team whom he claims worked hard to make his performance on the night of the big show the success that it was. He said that they ensured that his preparation was on point and everything was ready to go back stage ahead of his presentation.
He also highlighted his sponsor GEO’s Restaurant and Catering, which he referred to as his platinum sponsor. He said that before GEO’s stepped up to help him, he was paying for everything he needed out of his own pocket. The artist said that lack of sponsorship at the beginning was one of the biggest setbacks he faced. According to him, the owner of the restaurant and catering business chose to sponsor him after having seen his potential.
The artist even revealed one of his secrets to his memorable performances. He said that he strives to come out with as much energy as possible every time he has had the opportunity to perform. He also disclosed that he has hooked up with a number of other artists recently in an effort to collaborate with them. These artists include Asa Banton from Dominica and Benji from Trinidad. He recalled performing with Machel Montano at the Melting Pot show during last week’s carnival festivities.
The FLOW Party Monarch competition was held on Sunday August 5 and featured a jumpy and a groovy segment. Rattigan won the groovy segment, followed by Tian Winter 1st runner-up and Claudette ‘CP’ Peters taking the 2nd runner-up position. In the jumpy segment, Tian Winter walked away with the crown, followed by Claudette ‘CP’ Peters in the 1st runner-up position and Menace XL taking the 2nd runner-up spot.
Mixed Syrian reaction – groovy monarch
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