Ministry of Agriculture monitors Brazilian meat after food safety scandal

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The Ministry of Agriculture said it is keeping a close watch on chicken imports out of Brazil following disturbing news that Brazilian inspectors were bribed to certify meat for export that was rotten or tainted with salmonella.
Some of the biggest consumers of meat from Brazil have already moved to suspend imports over allegations that companies have been selling unsafe produce for years.
The ministry said that it is monitoring the events and keeping a close watch on the situation as it unfolds in the South American country.
The Veterinary & Livestock Division also assured consumers, in a statement, that all efforts would be made to ensure the safety of poultry imports from Brazil.
“We would also like the public to know that there are specific national and international mechanisms in place to ensure that tainted goods like these do not enter our food chain,” the statement read.
The public was also assured that all precautions and measures would be taken to guarantee that only “healthy and clean chicken” would be accepted at any port of entry.
The ministry also promised to update the public on any pertinent developments regarding the matter.
China has so far banned red meat imports from Brazil, while the European Union said it would stop buying from companies implicated in the scandal.
The crisis was triggered by a huge federal police operation on Friday.
It found evidence that meat-packers had been selling rotten and substandard produce for several years.
The meat industry plays an important part in the Brazilian economy, with exports worth more than US $12 billion annually.

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