Ministry of Agriculture/Barbuda Council continues work to revamp the sector on the island

front 5 barbuda sector
Peanut production under drip irrigation
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Work is ongoing to revitalise the once-thriving agriculture sector on the sister island of Barbuda.

Some of that work is the result of consistent efforts by the Ministry of Agriculture and other support partners.

The latest project spearheaded by the Inter-American Institute of Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), with support from the BeFoundation NGO, and the Barbuda Council, resulted in the installation of a plastic mulch and drip irrigation system, and the complete covering of a shade house with plastic and polyethylene mesh.

The team which visited Barbuda also worked to install two water harvesting systems, erect signage for visibility, and provide capacity training sessions, focusing on water harvesting mechanisms and soil conservation.

Members of the technical team include Craig Thomas IICA National Specialist, Bradbury Browne- CARDI Technician/Water Irrigation Specialist and Victor Harris – Ministry of Agriculture Technician attached to the Research Division.

The private company, Silver Seal, was also singled out for its continued support with the  movement of freight from Antigua to Barbuda.

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