Local agencies complete disaster training

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Various local agencies completed training in two methods of disaster management (Social media photo)
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A recent three-day training initiative that equipped various local agencies with the knowledge needed to deal with a mass casualty incident, such as a public health outbreak or disaster, has been lauded by Oswald Hannays, Deputy AIDS Programme Manager at the AIDS Secretariat.

Participants of the October 4–6 training included individuals from the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre, Emergency Medical Services and the Department of Environment.

They received instruction in prioritising the injured based on the severity of their injuries and were made aware of the functions, responsibilities and structure of managing incident sites and coordinating responses from multiple agencies.

“What this has allowed for us to understand, regardless of the size or nature of an incident, is we need to have an action plan to respond to any eventualities that may arise,” Hannays stated.

Specifically, the core focus of the training was on the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Joint Emergency Service Interoperability Principles (JESIP) model. This effort was led by Peter Burgess, a PAHO regional trainer and lead instructor from Barbados.

The event was organised by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization.

According to jesip.org.uk, the JESIP model provides generic guidance and principles on actions that should be taken when responding to incidents that include multiple agencies, by responders across all levels.

ICS is a model tool used in commanding, controlling and coordinating a response across agencies, which all have the common goal of bringing stability to an incident and protecting life, property and the environment. This is according to the website of the USA’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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