Killers get six years, released into Immigration custody

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Convicted killers Dane “Blinga” Hart and Lenroy “Ramone” Black were released from prison on Wednesday into the custody of Immigration officials after being sentenced to serve six years for the stabbing death of Shayne “Watches” James.

This was done after Justice Stanley John said the time they spent behind bars on remand awaiting committal, trial and sentencing, must be considered when calculating the six-year sentence. Given that a jail year is reduced by a third for good behaviour, the two Jamaican nationals qualified for immediate release.

Hart and Black pleaded guilty to manslaughter just over a month ago after being on remand since May 2015. Prison Superintendent Lt Col Eugene Philip confirmed the men were handed over to immigration officials who were present in court for the hearing.

The judge’s starting point for the sentence in this instance was 12 years and he reduced it by one third for their guilty plea and expression of remorse. They also got another two years shaved off the sentence since it was their first offence.

A third man involved in the joint enterprise attack – Ryan “Chargie” Samuels, who actually stabbed James to death – will be sentenced on August 23rd, since his lawyer was not available on Wednesday.

Last month, Samuels pleaded guilty to murder and he remains on remand pending sentencing.

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