The ambassador to the International Renewable Energy Agency donated a number of medical safety supplies to Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) on Monday.
Ambassador Conrod Hunte, an Antiguan living abroad, is a part a nonprofit organisation PurelyCO, which teamed up with the AFYA Foundation in New York to make the donation possible.

The gifts consisted of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to include masks, gloves, face shields and medical gowns.
Superintendent of Prisons, Jermaine Anthony accepted the donation on behalf of the correctional facility. Anthony also made an appeal for the donation of more masks to the prison, which will be greatly appreciated.
The ambassador also paid a courtesy visit to Attorney General Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin, who thanked him for the timely donation and encouraged him to continue to seek ways to further assist the country as the nation continues to grapple with Covid-19.
The diplomat pledged his organisation’s continued support to various institutions around the island.