Infrared cleaning devices to reduce need for chemicals

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Technology could soon be assisting the efforts of health personnel in thoroughly sanitising communal spaces at VC Bird International Airport, as well as the nation’s schools.

Minister of Health, Molwyn Joseph, presented a proposal to Cabinet yesterday for the purchase of infrared cleaning devices, which will essentially end the need to spray chairs and tables at the airport with chemicals after each use by arriving passengers.

Similar to the airport, the devices will aid in sanitising classroom furniture at the end of each lesson, to reduce the probability of infection spread among students.

Information Minister Melford Nicholas told media this morning, “We are looking at a nominal supply in the first instance of approximately 30 of these units divided equally between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.

“They would have to go through evaluation and – subject to satisfactory performance – then the opportunity exists for further expansion,” he said, when asked if the devices were likely to be rolled out into additional spaces.

They are said to come with a price-tag of less than $1,000 each.

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