In tribute to our National Heroes

UPP caretaker for St John’s Rural East, Sean Bird, and the Party’s caretaker for St John’s City West, Alister Thomas. (Photos contributed)
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This past Monday, two caretaker candidates for the United Progressive Party (UPP), Sean Bird of St John’s Rural East, and Alister Thomas of St John’s City West, visited the statues and final resting places of our national heroes, paying tribute.

Bird and Thomas were determined to not let a moment for reflection and veneration pass without  a meaningful commemoration.

They said silent prayers, observed minutes of silence, and poured libations, in a solemn acknowledgement of the exceptional and selfless manner in which our National Heroes strived to liberate and uplift us here in Antigua and Barbuda.

The act of pouring libations is a solemn ritual in which water, wine, oil, milk, honey or herbs and spices are spilled in honour of deity or those who have done well by a people and passed on to the afterlife. Libation ceremonies often occur during Black or African celebrations as a way to highlight our heritage and our ancestors.

Our National Heroes, our ancestors, laid the foundation for much that we have achieved; we stand on their shoulders, and we ought always to honour and revere them, for we owe them a debt of gratitude.

More importantly, we ought to walk in their footsteps, emulating their love and zeal for this blessed country.

       Our National Heroes are Sir Vere C Bird Sr, King Court Tacky, Dame Nellie Robinson, Sir George Walter, and Sir Lester Bird, who now sleep with the ancestors, and our only living honoree, Sir Vivian Richards.

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