By Neto Baptiste
Antigua and Barbuda’s top sprinter, Cejhae Greene, believes that a legal sub 10 performance is just within reach and that his management team including coach, Henry Rolle, will eventually get him to the mark that has, so far, eluded his grasps.
“I think that the team I have is more than capable of getting me to where I need to go, and that’s why I am still here, because if I didn’t have the belief they can get me to that notorious sub 10 mark then I probably would have made that change at the end of the season. So I am very much confident in the fact they can get me there. We’ve ran sub 10 before but just a little bit unlucky with the wind. I’ve ran sub 10 where the wind was 2.6 and I’ve ran sub 10 where the wind with 2.2 or 2.3 and that shows me that I am more than capable of doing it,” he said.
Speaking on the Good Morning Jojo sports show at the time, Greene highlighted the sought after sub 10 mark as a goal he sets for himself every season adding that this year is no exception.
“We all know that personal best for me is the notorious sub 10 mark that seems to be eluding me for so many seasons, and we’ve gotten so close. That’s normally the first goal that I set because if we go out there and run a personal best, then no matter the outcome, we’ve ran faster than we’ve ever ran before and you can’t really complain with that because that’s progress. Other than that, it’s to make these finals and put ourselves in great positions to ultimately win medals,” the track athlete said.
Greene has a personal best of 10:00 seconds in the 100 meters, clocked in Barranquilla, Colombia in July of 2018. He subsequently ran 9:94 second in June of 2019 at a meet in Switzerland but a plus 3.5 wind speed was registered which made the time unrecognisable for any official record. The legal wind limit is plus 2.0 wind speed.