People visiting patients at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre will once again be required to wear facemasks as the hospital battles an onslaught of infectious illnesses.
The policy will be mandatory for everyone visiting a patient – including in the Emergency Room – while those using hospital services including the outpatient clinic are “strongly encouraged” to wear a mask.
A hospital statement said the facility was facing a “newly complex challenge”.
“In addition to Covid-19, a host of respiratory viruses, including influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), have taken hold in many countries throughout the world.
“These viruses, while often manageable, can cause serious outcomes, especially for children. They can also strain our healthcare system, particularly the hospital,” it said.
“We are taking a community-wide approach to keep our patients and visitors safe. Masks have been recommended since the start of the pandemic.
“At this point of higher risk, we have to mandate the mask use once again as part of our precautions this holiday and tourist season to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses and protect young children, older individuals, and those with underlying health conditions,” said Dr Acheabea Dyer, the hospital’s Administrative Head of Infectious Disease and Employee Health.
To help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, residents are advised to stay up to date on vaccines, including for flu and Covid, keep hands clean by washing them often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser, practising cough and sneeze etiquette, staying home when sick or symptomatic, and wearing a well-fitting, high-quality mask when in public indoor spaces.