Happy 102nd birthday to Millicent Violetta Joseph

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Millicent Violetta Joseph, also known as Ashby, was born on February 2 1921 to Adela Francis and James Joseph in Parham. She moved to Sea View Farm and then to Freeman’s Village before relocating to Tindale Road where she currently resides.

She had 10 children (four of whom are deceased), 28 grandchildren, 45 great grand-children and five great-great grand-children. She was a caring grand-mother to all her grand-children and did her very best to instill values in them.

Ms Joseph worked on the loco line for many years cutting sugar; she was also a farmer and wood cutter. She is a faithful member of the Freeman’s Village Methodist Church and ensured that all her children attended church on Sundays and participated in church activities.

Her favourite song is “What a friend we have in Jesus”. The beginning of a day for Ms Joseph starts with prayers and thanking God for life.

Ms Joseph was a caregiver to many people in the village and was the life of the party, usually the first on the dance floor. She was also a strict disciplinarian, who gave her children a specific time to get home and they were not allowed to leave the house without being accompanied by their eldest sister.

Her favourite foods are fungi, fish and cassava.

Observer media extends congratulations and best wishes to Ms Joseph on her 102nd birthday.

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