The Burma Quarry is the site of a newly installed multi-million dollar Parker crusher that will seriously boost the country’s capacity for producing construction aggregates.
The plant, which can produce various types of rock aggregate was set up in order to meet the increasing demands arising from various road and sidewalk projects being completed by the Ministry of Works & Housing (MWH).
Yesterday, during a tour of the Burma Quarry, OBSERVER media learned that while installation of the new crusher is now complete, the ministry is awaiting the completion of electrical engineering work which will supply the necessary power to the plant.
A specialist from Parker Plant Limited in the UK is expected on island next month to complete this process. Following that, quarry staff will be trained to use the new machinery. The plant is expected to be up and running at full capacity by June of this year.
The Bendals Quarry has also seen the installation of a new high-capacity crusher, which is in a similar stage of readiness.
Shawn Thomas, Communications Specialist with the Ministry of Works and Housing told members of the press that “Negotiations started several years ago. The Director [of Works, Lucene Hanley] was very instrumental in the negotiations, ensuring that with a crusher like this, we really get value for money. The mission has always been, and will always be, ensuring that the ministry can really manage itself from an economic standpoint.”
With this additional source of construction aggregates, the Ministry of Works is hoping to supply all the necessary materials for the upcoming and on going projects.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)
Gov’t installs new crushers to boost road project
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