GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Mar. 16, CMC – The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has organized the first forum on gender and transport with the objective of creating a space for the exchange of information between public policymakers, researchers and transport experts on how to incorporate the gender perspective into the transport sector to promote greater gender equality here.
On Wednesday, the Washington-based financial institution said the technical forum aims at making gender equality “a sector priority by bringing evidence of the relevance it has for the sustainability of transport systems and sector institutions, and by presenting examples of transport systems in the region and around the world that are implementing interventions that seek to reduce gender gaps.”
The IDB says in the Caribbean and Latin America, more than 50 percent of public transport users are women.
But, for many years, the IDB said transportation has been seen as gender-neutral, assuming that its benefits are the same for everybody.
“The reality is that mobility needs for men and women are different because their travel patterns are different,” the IDB said, adding that women often travel accompanied with children or the elderly, “and they tend to make multiple stops in one single trip -known as trip-chaining- like from home to daycare, to work, to supermarket, and back home.”
The IDB said safety is one of their main concerns to move freely.
Although women account for the majority of the systems ridership, most of Latin American and Caribbean transport systems are designed without taking explicitly these differences into account, the IDB said.
The IDB said Wednesday’s forum presented successful mechanisms and policies used in public and private sectors worldwide, as well as strategies and recommendations for their application in the transport and infrastructure sector to identify best practices applicable for the local context.”
Gender and transportation discussed during Guyana forum
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