Flight operations worker gets more drug charges

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Daren Leslie Dunnah, a LIAT flight operations supervisor, is facing more charges as the police wrap up their probe into the importation of cannabis into Antigua and Barbuda.
 This time, the incident occurred in June.
The new charges against the Cassada Gardens resident are, possession, importation of cannabis, intent to transfer, being concerned to supply cannabis and making a false declaration to customs in relation to the 8.5 pounds of cannabis found among items he allegedly brought into the country.
The police spent the past three and a half months investigating the matter, trying to find the importer of the items that were reportedly brought in under a false name on June 1, 2018.
The trained K-9 Unit dogs detected the drug among the cargo back then and lawmen searched the packages and found a box containing the 8.5 pounds of cannabis. No one was arrested, until yesterday.
This case appears to be identical to the one where drugs were found in a microwave at Deep Water Harbour on September 5, 2018.
The law enforcement officials were doing a routine search of packages in that matter when they found the drugs in the electronic appliance.
The bust was also made with the help of specially trained K-9 dogs.
Dunnah’s home was also searched after the bust, and he was charged with four drug offences and making a false declaration to Customs.
The flight operations supervisor is quite popular for his courier service business which he operates from his Cassada Gardens home.

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