Family demands: #JusticeforShawn

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Natasha James has been counting every day that passes without any word from the police regarding the probe into the death of her brother, Shawn Warner, on November 6 when he was allegedly electrocuted in Jolly Harbour, a community managed by Caribbean Development (Antigua) Limited (CDAL).
Three days ago, in her last public count, James noted it was one month and 12 days since she lost her sibling; her pain just as fresh as when the tragedy unfolded in full view of their mother and her deceased brother’s two young sons. That day James posted, “I am going to delete my Facebook page after fighting for my brother. I am going to get justice for him. I will not sit down and be quiet. My mother needs answers. After 1 month and 12 days and the people in charge [have] nothing to say,” she said. According to the young woman, the silence is not helping the family.
“Not even a phone call to say Mrs. Warner we are still waiting on whatever! My brother was a law abiding citizen, no one should have to go through this. It’s bad enough that my mother lost her child but now having to wait for so long with no answers, no call from the police officers who are in charge of this case. How do you sleep at night?” she queried. James, in another Facebook post on December 8, lamented that the authorities had told the family they would have heard from them within three days, and at the time of her post, those three days had already passed.
This week she again poured out her thoughts: “The most you can do is take up the phone and say something. I will never want anyone to go through the pain my mother and siblings are going through. I just want to let whoever to know that the world is round and I know [there] is a God! My mother needs answers and wants to [bury] her son. #justiceforshawn.” In early December an autopsy began and the pathologist collected more samples from the dead man’s body to help determine what caused his death – if he was in fact electrocuted.
The autopsy results will determine whether his mother, Sandra Warner, will sue CDAL which has been accused of leaving electrical wires exposed on a lamp post was under repair earlier in the day. Not long after the incident the woman told OBSERVER media that she had sought legal advice on the matter because her son could have been alive had it not been for the alleged negligence of the company, and she wants justice.
Acknowledging that money would not restore her son’s life, the mom said that if she proceeds and wins the case, any monetary compensation as a result of the lawsuit would help take care of the two children he left behind. Shawn Warner, 26, was allegedly electrocuted when he came into contact with an exposed electrical wire on a pole just as he and his mother were preparing to leave Jolly Harbour after closing their business, Sandra’s Beach Shop, Bar and Grill, around 6:35 p.m. At the extrance/exit to the property, the security guard allegedly told them they could not get out because the gate was closed and she did not have the key.
The mother said she was walking back towards her son when he came into contact with the wire, and there was nothing she or the other woman who was there could do to help. The youth allegedly fell to the ground and hit his head after he was reportedly shocked. While CDAL has not reached out to the mother, it issued a press statement on November 7, expressing condolences to the family while indicating that its compound was safe.

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